Our Team

Say Hello to
The Experts.

John Miller

"Your actions will define you more than your words."

George Hook

"Work is more than work. It’s about the people who take care of each other."

Michelle West-Gant

"When you want different, you have to start moving different. Old Keys don't unlock new doors."

Stefan Koniarz

"When the moment the curtain raises, the MC enters, or the first show cue plays and the audience claps or "os and ahs", that measures a job well done!"

Bruce Holland

"We’ve created a special place where the creative talents of many come together to perfectly execute our client’s message."

Troy Fujimura

"To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail."

Jeremy Branson

"The world is your stage, put on the performance of your life."

Lindsay Crone

"The world is shaped by new ideas and lasting memories. My greatest thrill is creating both."

Mike Sanchez

"Take the risk, or miss the opportunity – the choice is ours."

Steve Opalinski

"Since my first live event at the United Center, I have had the desire to be part of something bigger than myself. I remember that every day."

Matt Wofford

"Riding a motorcycle is about connection – knowing what the bike wants and how to achieve it. Like riding, we understand what a client needs before they ask."

Ryan Frahm

"Progress always involves risks… You can’t steal second without taking your foot off first."

Tim Fandrei

"Planning is like practice. You cannot be a top performer without practice, and you cannot achieve excellence without proper planning."

Olivier Ilisca

"Passion. Dedication. Teamwork. Champion du Monde!!!"

Greg Vaughn

"No problems, just solutions."

Brian Friedstat

"My desire is to take our clients concepts and turn them into an extraordinary outcome."

Judy Anderson

"Music is my passion. The technical aspect of music led me to live theater and Centerstage where I now work behind the scenes to share my passion with our clients."

Mac Melto

"Mac of all trades."

Robert Iverson

"Live experiences are emotional moments that just sort of bubble-up from within us. We’re the men and women behind the curtain who shake up that seltzer."

Lanna Campanelli

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."

Jack Boyd

"It’s all about seven words: 'Great show guys, I’m going off com.' ”

Lysbeth Neel

"It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do."

Mel Giel

"If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

Anna Woodson

"I strive to always be learning and pushing myself farther, tackling every puzzle I can find."

Eric Stimes

"I have two passions in life; driving across the country, and being behind the scenes of great shows.

Kevin Cronin

"I enjoy the challenges of working with new techniques and materials that make each production unique."

Larry Whitlow

"Flying my airplane requires planning, precision, and professionalism. The same qualities that make for a great event!"

Alan Weusthoff

"Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things are the window to your soul."

John Chikahisa

"Collaboration fuels our success, together we achieve greatness."

Deb Burda

"Be patient, be prepared, and be unflappable. Have plans C and D ready to go. Then jump in with a smile, a little sparkle, humor, and a sense of adventure!"

Paul Jennings

"Actions delineate and define you. Through these actions you build a reputation, a reputation that clients want. Our actions prove every day that our clients come first."

Justin Yllanes

"A person who wants to sing shall always find a song. So do what you love, and do it with passion and don't forget to laugh."

Michael Lee-Hooper

"Your actions will define you more than your words."

John Miller

"Work is more than work. It’s about the people who take care of each other."

George Hook

"When you want different, you have to start moving different. Old Keys don't unlock new doors."

Michelle West-Gant

"When the moment the curtain raises, the MC enters, or the first show cue plays and the audience claps or "os and ahs", that measures a job well done!"

Stefan Koniarz

"We’ve created a special place where the creative talents of many come together to perfectly execute our client’s message."

Bruce Holland

"To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail."

Troy Fujimura

"The world is your stage, put on the performance of your life."

Jeremy Branson

"The world is shaped by new ideas and lasting memories. My greatest thrill is creating both."

Lindsay Crone

"Take the risk, or miss the opportunity – the choice is ours."

Mike Sanchez

"Since my first live event at the United Center, I have had the desire to be part of something bigger than myself. I remember that every day."

Steve Opalinski

"Riding a motorcycle is about connection – knowing what the bike wants and how to achieve it. Like riding, we understand what a client needs before they ask."

Matt Wofford

"Progress always involves risks… You can’t steal second without taking your foot off first."

Ryan Frahm

"Planning is like practice. You cannot be a top performer without practice, and you cannot achieve excellence without proper planning."

Tim Fandrei

"Passion. Dedication. Teamwork. Champion du Monde!!!"

Olivier Ilisca

"No problems, just solutions."

Greg Vaughn

"My desire is to take our clients concepts and turn them into an extraordinary outcome."

Brian Friedstat

"Music is my passion. The technical aspect of music led me to live theater and Centerstage where I now work behind the scenes to share my passion with our clients."

Judy Anderson

"Mac of all trades."

Mac Melto

"Live experiences are emotional moments that just sort of bubble-up from within us. We’re the men and women behind the curtain who shake up that seltzer."

Robert Iverson

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."

Lanna Campanelli

"It’s all about seven words: 'Great show guys, I’m going off com.' ”

Jack Boyd

"It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do."

Lysbeth Neel

"If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."

Mel Giel

"I strive to always be learning and pushing myself farther, tackling every puzzle I can find."

Anna Woodson

"I have two passions in life; driving across the country, and being behind the scenes of great shows.

Eric Stimes

"I enjoy the challenges of working with new techniques and materials that make each production unique."

Kevin Cronin

"Flying my airplane requires planning, precision, and professionalism. The same qualities that make for a great event!"

Larry Whitlow

"Exercising the imagination, experimenting with talents, being creative; these things are the window to your soul."

Alan Weusthoff

"Collaboration fuels our success, together we achieve greatness."

John Chikahisa

"Be patient, be prepared, and be unflappable. Have plans C and D ready to go. Then jump in with a smile, a little sparkle, humor, and a sense of adventure!"

Deb Burda

"Actions delineate and define you. Through these actions you build a reputation, a reputation that clients want. Our actions prove every day that our clients come first."

Paul Jennings

"A person who wants to sing shall always find a song. So do what you love, and do it with passion and don't forget to laugh."

Justin Yllanes

Michael Lee-Hooper

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